Don’t worry, be hygge

January 30, 2011 § 1 Comment

On Friday I had a small dinner party with a few friends to celebrate:
1) The end of the Danish language course
2) The start of the semester
3) Being in Denmark!

The attendees were myself (obviously), three friends from my language class–Valentina (Italy), Nadine (Germany), Katy (England)– and two Danish friends, Thomas and Tinne. Again this is best described in pictures… a few of them are courtesy of Nadine.

The menu was chicken stuffed with peppers and cheese wrapped in bacon, brussel sprouts with red pepper, mashed potatoes with cheese, and salad. Dessert was chocolate cake with whipped cream.

Top: Everything waiting to be cooked and/or dressed. Bottom: Uncooked chicken

Top: Cooked mashed potatoes with cheese topping. Bottom: Brussel sprouts with garlic and red pepper

Top: Cooked chicken… I know it looks gross in this picture, but it tasted super good. Bottom: Plate of food

Top: Cake without whipped cream. Bottom: Cake with (home-made) whipped cream

We ate everything (including that huge thing of potatoes) except a tiny piece of cake that was left over.

Now that the important part of the party has been documented (the food), here are some pics of people:

Top: Tinne (Denmark). Bottom: Valentina (Italy)

Top: Katy (England) and Nadine (Germany). Bottom: Thomas (Denmark) and me

All in all it was a great evening (if I do say so myself) filled with lots of fun, good conversation, good food, good drink, and lots of hygge.

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